Niagara Escarpment Parks and Open Space System (NEPOSS)

Coordinate system: 4269 - "NAD83"


This data set can be used to identify 130 existing and proposed parks and open space areas within the Niagara escarpment parks and open space system, the majority of which are or will be linked by the Bruce Trail.

The Ministry of Natural Resources coordinates the development and administration of the Niagara Escarpment Parks and Open Space System. The Niagara Escarpment Parks and Open Space System is owned and managed through the continued cooperation of seven conservation authorities, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ontario Heritage Trust, the federal Department of the Environment - Parks Canada, the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, the Niagara Parks Commission, the Royal Botanical Gardens, municipalities and other bodies capable of managing areas in the public interest (e.g. the Bruce Trail Association, local service clubs, approved conservation organizations).

Please note that the data was originally based on survey plans that varied in scale and quality and, as of 2011, do not line up with the current parcel data and need to be spatially adjusted. This data set is to be used with caution when interpreting data and results.

Supplementary look-up table descriptions are available in the SNIF Report, which is available for download from the additional documentation section.

Additional Documentation