Provincial Digital Elevation Model - Version 3.0

Coordinate system: 3161 - "NAD83 / Ontario MNR Lambert"


The Provincial DEM is designed to represent true ground elevation across the Province. Based on best source data for different parts of the Province, it is a general purpose dataset from which other special purpose datasets have been derived. The Provincial DEM is based on three source datasets: the Ontario Radar DSM, OBM, DTM points and contours, and 2002 GTA Ortho contours. This dataset has not been conditioned for any specific application. As a result, for hydrologic applications, it is suggested that the Ontario Integrated Hydrology dataset is used. This is a separate data product that is available through Land Information Ontario (LIO). The Ontario Integrated Hydrology data is specifically designed for hydrologic analysis, such as watershed creation and flow tracing.

The data are available in two separate files (.zip) due to the size of the dataset. Each package contains a number of tiled DEM raster datasets in a sinlge ESRI file geodatabase. Please see the "Provincial DEM Index Map" image attached to this metadata record. Or, download the "ProvincialDEM_Index" shapefile attached to this metadata record. This DEM replaces the previous version (DEM 2.0 - Provincial Tiled Dataset), which is a retired product and should only be used for historical and reference purposes.

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