Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - Provincial Tiled Dataset

Coordinate system: 4269 - "NAD83"


This data set has been replaced by the Provincial Digital Elevation Model Version 3.0. The source data used in generating the Provincial Digital Elevation Model Version 3.0. did not support the construction at a resolution finer than 30m, which is now used in the Version 3.0 product.

The Digital Elevation Model - Version 2.0.0 is a 3-dimensional raster data set which captures terrain elevations and covers the province of Ontario to the 51st parallel composed of 150 tiles. Cell resolutions are 20 metres in northern Ontario and 10 metres in Southern Ontario.

The provincial DEM was interpolated using five main datasets: i) Contour Line ii) OBM-DTM iii) Spot Height iv) Water Poly Segment v) Water Virtual Flow The DEM is used for mapping hydrologic features (e.g. watersheds, stream networks) and is an essential data layer for surface water and groundwater flow modelling. The Provincial DEM is also used for a broad range of studies related to the fields of hydrology, forestry, ecology and climatology.